Welcome To Cassia & Myrrh

Contemplative Catholic Songs for the Modern, Fighting Saint
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Catholic music for a world in need

Consecrated to Our Lady, Queen of the Angels

Catholic Chapters, I-IV is CASSIA & MYRRH’s first studio project, set to release in four “chapters” (song collections), with the specific goal of drawing more souls in to the depth and richness of the Catholic liturgical and contemplative tradition.

With the help of our growing C&M “Family” we rasied nearly 3/4 of our original funding goal and are in the final stages of completing Ch. III. Ch. I (Gregorian essentials) and Ch. II (classic hymns) are currently available on most streaming sites and here on our website for free download.

Watch our project trailers to learn more about joining the CASSIA & MYRRH Family and playing a crucial role in sharing our rich Catholic musical heritage with a world in need of peace.

You are still needed to help us complete our fourth section – our audio Rosaries in both Latin & English, over top of original sacred Latin compositions. Click “Back This Project” to become a critical piece of this mission of Catholic music and prayer.

Our Mission

CASSIA & MYRRH is a Catholic musical project which seeks to reach souls through beauty with Christ and His Church.

With a constant goal of simplicity and humility, CASSIA & MYRRH is an ongoing work that provides gentle, contemplative Catholic music for the fighting saint, sung in a solo female voice. It is meant as a refuge among the noise and chaos of the modern age and as a means to draw souls into deeper union with God through a gentle encounter with His truth, beauty, and goodness.

We aim to provide beautiful, prayerful music for modern Catholics in a small variety of genres, with a heavy emphasis on sacred music, Latin, Scripture, and the prayers of the Church, pointing to our shared, deep, mystical tradition. Particularly through Gregorian chant, compositions organically tied to her rich and ancient musical tradition, and the Rosary, we aim to gently revive and restore the tradition of the Church and unite all Catholics around our common heritage.

This music is intended as an everyday meditative aid in the midst of and as a stalwart against the disruption of the world, as well as a bridge toward the deep treasury of the Church for those yet unfamiliar with this beautiful inheritance, or for those simply seeking peace.

We hope you encounter here something of the depths of Christ and His Church. May you find an invitation into deeper prayer and authentic Christian meditation through these songs.

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